Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read the RTR 2nd Quarter Windermere housing report.  This will be the only place you will easily find all this information broken down and analyzed by an experienced Realtor. Ron has sold and closed almost $3,000,000 in Windermere, Fl 34786 in 2017 thus far. Ron also has called Windermere his families home for 11 years straight and counting.

Ron is currently ranked number 7 in all Orange County for 2017 year to date.

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For the first time in a very very long time, Windermere has experienced a retraction in Average Closed Sale Price. In fact a very significant 4.5% drop in Average Sale price from 2nd Quarter 2016 to 2nd Quarter 2017. As a result Average, $/ft also dropped Year to year…2.7% drop to be exact.

The average days on market improved 5 days and while the average sale price dropped the Median Sale Price rose 2.2%…

Lets look at both 2016 and 2017 2nd Quarter Housing sold Data

2016 2nd Quarter Solds Windermere Fl 34786

Status: Sold (281)
Beds Baths SqFt Heated List Price LP/SqFt Close Price SP/SqFt DTC DTCL ADOM CDOM SP/LP Ratio
Min 2 1 1,000 $149,800 $90.78 $145,000 $91.84 -228 2 .75
Max 8 9 9,623 $5,999,000 $623.94 $4,675,000 $527.51 749 823 689 689 1.06
Avg 4 4 2,903 $570,601 $177.11 $539,320 $169.40 86 140 84 99 .97
Median 4 3 2,618 $378,540 $149.24 $367,000 $142.19 48 101 51 55 .97

2017 2nd Quarter Solds Windermere Fl 34786

Status: Sold (292)
Beds Baths SqFt Heated List Price LP/SqFt Close Price SP/SqFt DTC DTCL ADOM CDOM SP/LP Ratio
Min 2 2 1,079 $169,000 $102.95 $165,000 $72.96 -8 .68
Max 6 9 9,064 $3,700,000 $940.27 $3,025,000 $840.71 976 1,002 951 1,239 1.07
Avg 4 4 2,904 $536,588 $170.64 $514,487 $164.72 84 128 79 96 .97
Median 4 3 2,623 $389,945 $150.46 $375,320 $147.60 41 91 37 40 .98

After seeing this first in a long time trend, I took a step back and really started to look at the data the way only I know how to look at it.. In the 2nd quarter of 2016 zip code 34787 had 4 sales that closed over 3 million, several ways over 3 M price point.  In 2017 only 1 broke the $3M ceiling, and it only did it by a small margin… these 4 big sales have skewed the market data slightly and need to be weighted in the overall analysis of the market as a whole.

The sky is definitely not falling in Windermere Housing Market, but I would not be shocked if a story is run in a local publication with that headline. You have to understand the Windermere Market it has the famed Butler Chain of Lakes, creating some of the highest $/ft valuations in the Entire Central Florida region.  So far in 2017, there have been 4 sales over 3M, including one of my favorite homes in the entire zip code.

6005 Cartmel Lane Windermere Fl 34786.. which sold in the 1st Quarter for 5.6 M

So as you can see… ONE-quarter is not indicative of the market as a whole.

In the spirit of always taking it to another level… here is the side by sides of 2016 and 2017 2nd Quarters for Windermere 34786, taking ONLY single family homes into consideration…



Status: Sold (215)

Beds Baths SqFt Heated List Price LP/SqFt Close Price SP/SqFt DTC DTCL ADOM CDOM SP/LP Ratio
Min 2 2 1,492 $255,000 $102.95 $245,000 $72.96 -8 .68
Max 6 9 9,064 $3,700,000 $940.27 $3,025,000 $840.71 976 1,002 951 1,239 1.07
Avg 4 4 3,358 $646,340 $180.79 $618,264 $173.89 95 143 90 111 .97
Median 4 4 3,084 $459,900 $161.41 $445,000 $157.19 52 108 48 55 .98



Status: Sold (226)
Beds Baths SqFt Heated List Price LP/SqFt Close Price SP/SqFt DTC DTCL ADOM CDOM SP/LP Ratio
Min 2 1 1,000 $149,800 $90.78 $151,500 $91.84 -228 2 .75
Max 8 9 9,623 $5,999,000 $623.94 $4,675,000 $527.51 749 823 689 689 1.06
Avg 4 4 3,239 $658,342 $186.49 $620,599 $177.67 94 148 92 110 .96
Median 4 3 2,813 $428,208 $157.76 $414,250 $151.94 55 107 55 61 .97


Windermere is a very desirable place to live, but anyone paying attention will see that a lot of buyers are being lured away to Winter Garden right adjacent to the town of Windermere.. with the New Windermere High School opening next month, what seems like every builder in the nation selling a new neighborhood, many buyers are heading slightly west.

For what 500-750 k gets a family in Windermere, a buyer can go less than 1 mile away and get a brand new home, state of the art technologies and building codes, home warranty,  design their own home and show up 5-8 months later and move in. Winter Garden, if you have read the report just released few days ago is average just under $140 a foot currently, Windermere is at almost $165/ft.  Unless you want to spend 800k or more, there are very few new housing community options in Windermere. There are a few, but they are limited to what is in all reality communities that are right across the street from a Winter Garden mailing address.

Windermere will always be one of the most desirable places in Central Florida to call home, but in the immediate future, I for one am not forecasting a massive spike in prices. As Sellers keep losing buyers to the new Winter Garden Area… pricing will be a constant battle with new just to the west. The chain of lakes will always be the anchor of the Windermere Market, as well as custom homes on larger lots, established tree lined streets and gated communities.

I hope you found this informational… I strongly feel knowledge is power… ANYONE can read this report, even my fellow Realtor Competition. It has always been like this in my entire 20 years in the marketplace. I do not ask for a guest registration or a login… anyone can come to my site and read this. Many will use it to benefit their own business… I hope they do.

There is a lot of time I invest in these reports. For example, this exact one has been worked on since 7 am on my Sunday. I am 9 days late on its development due to the 4th of July. Instead of working on contracts or even spending time with my 3 kids .. I deliver this report to you… please share it with all you know. I truly hope you find this useful.

Also, many have not liked the Ron the Realtor Facebook page. It is truly the best place to follow all things Ron the Realtor.

As always, your referrals are the best thank you I can ever receive

The Harder you work… The Luckier you get!

All the information provided below is derived from the ORRA MFRMLS and deemed reliable.

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