2nd QTR 2024
2nd Quarter 2024 Windermere Highlights
Windermere 2nd Qtr 2023
Single Family Market
2nd Qtr 2023 Windermere Single Family
Any avid reader of this report over past few decades knows how much I stress the lack of available land in Windermere. It has seemed to finally catch up to us. No one is leaving and demand is at its highest peek ever for this amazing area.
The market continues to climb with each record sale. New construction is experiencing $500-700 a ft without a bat of an eye, I have personally sold tear downs this past quarter on the chain at over $1,000 a ft and my record setting sale at 50 forest of $6,500,000 ALL CASH closed at a whopping $940 / ft!!!
Hundreds of millions are pouring into our local market from foreign buyers wanting to call Central Florida home. I have personally never witnessed this much foreign activity in my entire career… With this influx comes a huge upswing in sales prices, as demand is far exceeding supply.
Unlike other markets relying on the health of the Middle Class of America, which there seems to be an all out focus by the current administration to destroy, Windermere is not. The famed chain of lakes, locations, schools, and countless guard-gated communities with tree-lined streets have always been a driving force in demand for the area. After covid and the ability to do business in your pajamas at home, Windermere overtook Winter Park as the place to call home for the upper class.
With continued record-breaking sale after sale, in the immortal lyrics of Soul Asylum… Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd.
I foresee no colling ion the 34786 market as the stock market continues to hold at this unheard-of valuation. The November election or a major world event will be only factors that can stop this train.
Curious what your Windermere home is worth, call 407 592 SOLD for a private conversation. Let me show you how I deliver record-breaking sales year after year in 34786.
Have an amazing rest of your day and thank you for spending a few minutes gaining this knowledge. Now you are the most educated person in any discussion regarding Windermere real estate, which has been my goal for 27 years…. Knowledge is power. This is why it did not require a login, registration, or subscription to access this report or any of the hundreds of others I have released over the decades.
God Bless our troops overseas and the families they have left behind. I will never forget your sacrifice and that FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE