
1st QTR 2023

Welcome to the only place on the web that breaks down Windermere Florida 34786 real estate market to this level each and every quarter for almost 2 decades. All the data here is derived from the ORRA MLS and deemed reliable. It has been analyzed by longtime Windermere resident Ron the Realtor. Ron is the #1 Remax Realtor in the entire State of Florida for SIX CONSECUTIVE YEARS and is currently number 5 in closed volume HISTORY for Orange County in the entire ORRA MLS.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read the Ron the Realtor Windermere 1st quarter Market Year in Review. As RTR has been doing for the last 18 years… he provides a quarterly report and a full-blown end of the year in review report to anyone that wants to read it. No subscription, no registration of our email… anyone can read it, even competing Realtors…who does that? Ron has always believed, knowledge is power.

Must preface this report by stating we had one of the highest recorded sales in the history of the zip code in the 1st Qtr of 2023…. $35,000,000 behind the manned gates of Isleworth. This sale if included in the quarterly report will skew the data metrics way out of reality. I made a decision to share the data with and without it.  This really helps show how much impact one entry makes, especially in a market like Windermere where there are not many units sold as it is.  Also, a perfect example why valuation models like a Zestimate are always wrong and you should rely on an area expert for your information and analysis.

This report will exclude that amazing sale so we can concentrate on accurate metric data for accurate forecasting.

1st Quarter 2023 Winter Garden Highlights


Average Sale Price


Average Days on Market


ave $/ft

1st Quarter 2023 Windermere

1st Quarter 2023 Windermere without 35m closing

1st Quarter 2022 Winderemere

Windermere continues to outpace even the hottest of local markets. It is a place people want to live and call home. It is the area relocating buyers mention the most when they call to discuss their relocation with me. Out of town buyers notoriously pay top dollar.
What is fascinating is that last year Windemere experienced 20% increase in average sale price… now in 2023 that number again rose another 18% (33% if you include the 35m sale). This is truly remarkable !
You can easily go back in this site and see that in 2021 we experienced 18% to… so in 3 years Windermere compounded their apprecation 18%, 20% then 18% …  which translates to an over $400,000 increase over 3 years in average sale price !!!!!!
The Windermere market has such a small data pool but it is still important to separate the single family from multifamily sales.
Single Family Market
Every Quarter we dive even deeper and focus just on single family home data, you will not find this info anywhere else on the internet in this easy to follow platform.

1st Quarter 2023 Windermere Single-Family Housing Market


Average Sale Price


Average Days on Market


ave $/ft

1st Qtr 2023 Windermere Single Family

1st Qtr 2023 Windermere Single Family 35m closing

1st Qtr 2022 Windermere Single Family

When you remove the multifamily we truly get a real sense of the Windermere Market and what is going on.  Just removing those 36 multifamily sales creates an additional $250,000 in the average sale price!

Windermere is averaging over $1.3M sale price and approaching $350 a foot average !!!!

Over 50% of the closed units sold over the 1m price point, 20 of those over 2m.

Top closings other than the 35m beast were two in Keenes Pointe Mid 4m and mid 5m price points.


LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION has never been more proven than with this microcosm of the Windermere market. The neighboring Winter Garden Market, while very strong, has tapered off the blistering year-after-year double-digit data metric increases. Not Windermere.

Windermere had 50 fewer homes close this year than last 1st Qtr. Inventory will continue to fuel this market, plain and simple.

The luxury market is not as sensitive to interest rates as the traditional housing market. Taxes and the stock market will impact this sector far greater than interest rates.

Florida’s low property taxes and no State income taxes create high demand for the high-net-worth family. I do not know if you follow other markets but in the wonderful state of California, a new tax has gone into place. Any residence over $10,000,000 sold will be subject to an additional 5.5% fee.

Luxury Market

This will continue to fuel the local luxury market.

Lack of buildable lots and parcels coupled with the supply chain issues creating 2-plus year build times will always funnel buyers to the resale market. If you own a renovation or construction company and are any good at it… you can print money just like our government if you concentrate on 34786!

The prices will continue at this pace through 2nd and 3rd quarter as the busy summer buying season is upon us. No one is leaving and everyone wants in… causing the perfect storm.

Thank you for taking the time to become an expert of the Windermere market

Want to know what your home is currently worth, just call RTR 407 592 SOLD.

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Going On


NOW is the Time to

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Past Quarterly Reports

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