3rd Quarter of 2021

Thank you for taking the minutes to read the Ron the Realtor Windermere Real Estate Report. Breaking down the Windermere real estate market in a way not found anywhere else on the internet. With deep analysis and boots on the ground accounts from Windermere residents, 4th in the history of closed sales in Orange County, and #1 Remax Realtor in State of Florida 4 consecutive years running.

Windermere experienced the biggest 3rd Quarter improvement on every major category since I have been doing this publication ( 20 years religiously)

Take 10 minutes and get the in-depth analysis and break down from the areas top Realtor and long-time resident, Ron the Realtor.



Average Sale Price


Average Days on Market


ave $/ft

2021 3rd Quarter Windermere

2020 3rd Quarter Windermere

The unprecedented spike in Average Sale Price, We broke $800,000 (almost $100,000 jump in ave sp)! Windermere JUST BROKE $240 / ft !!!!

Days on market improved an unheard of 66% to practically a 3-week average.

Windermere continues to be a place people are flocking to, to call home.

As always, let’s dive down deeper… to data not found anywhere else on the internet… Let’s peel away the townhomes and condos and really look at the true Windermere Market… single-family residences.

WINDERMERE 2021 Single-Family


Average Sale Price


Average Days on Market


ave $/ft

2021 3rd Quarter Windermere Single Family

2020 3rd Quarter Windermere Single Family


As always, we peel back the multi-family and analyze the single-family market from year to year. I have never seen a jump like this in my 25 years of doing real estate in any zip code … 20% increase in average sale price… 20%… and the bases from last year’s 3rd quarter was just under 800k !!!! Windermere has the potential at this pace to break the $1,000,000 average sold price in the 4th quarter of 2021.

Out of the 249 homes closed and funded this quarter 76 of them were over 1M !!! 25 of those were over 2m and 7 broke the 3m, with the highest sale just under 6 million a 12,000 htd sq ft estate in  Isleworth that took 351 days to close.

Average days on market improved an unheard of 64% from 73 to 26 !, I think a lot of that had to do with the 2020 2nd quarter being the craziest time in recent history with the lockdowns and height of covid.

RTR Market Predictions

We will finish the year on this same trajectory. What we will see is a drop in actual units closed, there is nowhere for homeowners to go. This is the issue I am experiencing every day… sellers would love to sell but to do so they are faced with the limited choices and low inventory that is causing this unprecedented spike in property values.

Interest rates are also a ticking time bomb and inflation is nearing the records of the Carter Administration. The issue is once you are in Windermere, most want to stay in Windermere. There is limited new construction, when found it is toppling $350 a foot plus the land acquisition.

Current market conditions are causing a standstill in 34786 I have never witnessed.

The demand for a lakefront has reached a feverish pitch, with people focusing their attention on a homestead they can enjoy all year long, the amazing lakes of Windermere are in high demand.

It is a great time to own a home in 34786, if you want to know how much your home is worth in today’s market just give me a call and we can discuss strategy.

No Such Thing As After Hours… 407 592 7653