Winter Garden Market Report

2nd Quarter of 2020

Thank you for taking a few minutes to get up to speed on the Winter Garden Market. This is the ONLY place on the internet to get this type of market detail from Winter Gardens Number 1 Realtor for the past 2 decades!

The 2nd quarter of 2020 was like none we have ever experienced in this county and Winter Gardens real estate market took the punch square on the chin and still raised the belt in victory. When comparing the 4 major real estate indicators Winter Garden continued its upward trajectory, outpacing the local and Nation real estate markets as it has for over a decade and counting

Let’s get right into the data comparing 2020 2nd qtr to 2019 2nd qtr…


Average Sale Price


Average Days on Market


ave $/ft


2020 2nd Qtr VS 2019 2nd Qtr

2020 2nd qtr 34787
 2019 2nd qtr 2019

The biggest take away was the almost 20% drop in closed volume, I was expecting it to be way worse, with Disney and well the entire Country closing for business for shelter at home orders. This is a testament to the Winter Garden market’s desirability. All major real estate indicators improved in spite of a major stock market crash, global pandemic and complete shut down of our entire tourist economy.

Lets take it a step further, as always.. here ie the single family market in detail not seen anywhere else…

Single-Family Homes 2nd Quarter 2020 Winter Garden


Average Sale Price


Average Days on Market


ave $/ft

As Ron the Realtor does with every aspect of his reports, he drills down even deeper… the tables above contain EVERY unit sold, including townhomes, condos and single-family. They are really 2 different markets in my opinion. Lets remove all townhomes and condo sales and deal only with single-family homes in Winter Garden in the 1st Qtr of 2020


2020 2nd qtr single family

2019 2nd qtr single family

What is in store in the coming days, weeks, months?


I would have never thought we would have bounced back in June with the tenacity we did in buyer demand. Record low inventory is spurring a spike in pricing I have not seen since 2005/2006. The sales in June are going to carry to the 3rd qtr, and what a 3rd qtr we will see. Personally I have over $15,000,000 in contracts set to close already in the 3rd qtr and I am only one Realtor.

If you are thinking of selling I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you call to establish a game plan right now. Interest rates will remain low until the election and buyers are flocking from North Estate Blue States that have had their constitutional rights trampled and their police protection under fire. The mass exodus has begun, Winter Garden is so much more affordable than those markets as well, creating bidding wars on well-priced homes.

We still have 5 weeks of summer buying season left..

.My Phone is always on, look forward to talking about what we can get for your home while the getting is good!

"Thank you for taking the time out of your day to gain some insight on the local Winter Garden market that I have devoted my life's work to. I am so blessed to have helped so many families spanning over 2 decades in the area. Earning the #1 Remax Realtor in the entire State of Florida 3 Consectuive Years, voted the Best of Southwest Realtor for the 5th time in a row and named to the Orlando Magazines HOT 100 for the 14th year in a row.

I just want to thank everyone in the RTR army for allowing me the honor to represent and fight for your family. Thanks to your confidence in my abilities. I am able to be one of the very few that can say I love what I do every day. Stay healthy and safe in these unprecedented times.

God Bless our troops overseas and the families they leave behind. I will never forget that FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE. My family thanks you for your sacrifice."


Past Quarterly Reports

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